8 Clever Food Preparation Tips

Easy Peel Garlic Cloves

(i) For a single garlic clove: Lay the clove on a cutting board and place the flat side of a large knife on top of it. Use the heel of your hand to press down on the flat side of the knife, putting enough pressure on the clove for the skin to simply fall off. (ii) For a whole bunch of cloves: Hit the head of garlic with the heel of your hand to open up the cloves. Throw all the cloves into a big (preferably metal) mixing bowl, and cover with a second mixing bowl. Then shake it vigorously. Voila! It's peeled - like a magic trick only with mixing bowls instead of a hat.

Fluffier Mashed Potatoes

To make mashed potatoes fluffier, add a pinch of baking soda along with the butter and milk.

Easy Sliced Mushrooms

To slice mushrooms quickly and uniformly, use an egg slicer.

How to Remove the Tough Stems of Hearty Greens

A nifty trick for getting rid of the tough stems on veggies like kale, chard, mustard greens and collards - no knife required. With one hand, hold a leaf at the bottom by the thickest part of the stem, use your other hand to gently pinch the leaf with your index finger and thumb, and then pull it up and off along the stem.

How to Remove an Avocado Stone

Simply cut the avocado in half length-wise, firmly strike the stone with a sharp knife and twist it. Done!

Ice Cream Frozen Too Hard?

When ice cream is rock-hard, dip the scoop in hot water to make scooping easier.

Quick Fix for Too Hard Butter

For the impatient baker, waiting for butter to soften can be like waiting for a pot to boil. To quicken up the process, use a grater to shred the required amount into a mixing bowl. It'll be ready before you know it. Before you start make sure you fill the sink with some warm soapy water so you don't get your buttery hands all over the tap.

Prevent Boil Overs

To help prevent boil-overs, apply a thin coat of cooking oil around the top of the inside of pots.