Eight Easy Ways to Remove Unpleasant Household Smells

Here's how to keep your house and yourself smelling fresher.

Plastic containers readily absorb the smell of whatever you've stored in them, sometimes even after washing them several times. To avoid this stinky problem try tossing in a pinch of salt OR putting some crumpled newspaper inside a container when storing.

To quickly deodorize a stinky rug sprinkle generously with baking soda and let settle into the fibres for 30 minutes then vacuum.

Chopping onions or garlic can leave your hands smelly. To remove unpleasant odours a few drops of lemon juice or fresh coffer beans can be rubbed into your palms then rinsed off. Another option is to simple rub your hands with a stainless object such as a spoon. Before you chop chili peppers, rub a little vegetable oil into your hands to prevent your skin from absorbing the spicy chilli.

Is your rubbish bin a bit on the nose? Remove the rubbish then place 1 tablespoon of coffee, a few cloves, and 1 tablespoon of baking soda in the centre of a coffee filter. Close with a twist tie to make a sachet, and put it at the bottom of the can to eliminate unpleasant odours.

Microwaves can harbour stale cooking smells. To fix the issue, fill a large microwave-safe bowl with 1 cup of water, a chopped lemon and a fragrant spice like cloves. Bring to a boil in the microwave, and then leave it to steam inside for 5-10 minutes (until the water cools down and can be removed safely). Wipe off the inside of the microwave and then leave the door ajar for an hour or so to air.

Wet sneakers? Prevent them from stinking your house out by scrunching up sheets newspaper and stuffing them inside you shoes. The newspaper draws the dampness and smells out.

Chalk is another moisture absorber. If you bind a few sticks of chalk and hang in your cupboard they can prevent dampness and smelly clothes.